Square Knot and Granny Knot

The square and granny knots are the most popular of all general purpose knots.

Do not use the Square Knot or Granny Knot for any application which requires a secure knot. This is provided to illustrate the difference between the square knot and the granny knot. These are not a climbing or mountaineering knot.

How to Tie a Square Knot

Square Knot and Granny Knot

Step 1.

For tying both the square knot and the granny knot, the first step is twist two ropes together. Right over left.
2. Square Knot

Step 2.

Square Knot -- left over right, under then through.
3. Square Knot

Step 3.

Square Knot -- When pulled tight, the strands from the same rope come back out of the knot together, in the same direction.

How to Tie a Granny Knot:

Step 1.

Twist two ropes right over left.
2. Granny Knot

Step 2.

Granny Knot -- right over left, under then through.
3. Granny Knot

Step 3.

Granny Knot -- When pulled tight, the strands from the same rope come out of the knot on different sides.
Knots for Climbers, 3rd (How To Climb Series) Carrick BendThis is an illustrated book providing sequences and examples for tying climbing knots. It covers all the common knots plus many other knots. The presentation uses clear color photos making it easy to understand and learn. Some of the knots are the Munter hitch, auto block, clove hitch, and figure eight. See them in use in the field along with how they are used with climbing equipment.
Climbing: Knots Knots for ClimbersFeatures easy to understand, and illustrated instructional knot-tying for the novice climber. It's a nice, pocket-size book, portable and easy-to-use, with clear photos throughout to assist with learning.

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