
Climbing Gyms

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Petra Cliffs Climbing Center
105 Briggs St., Burlington, Vermont 05401-5310
(802) 657-3872
Petra Cliffs Climbing Center
30+ top rope climbs, tons of lead climbing, vertical, overhangs, roof, cracks, aretes, dihedral, layback edges, chimney, slab, Over 1500 sq. ft. of bouldering including a cave.


Castleton State College Rock Gym
CSC Fitness Center, Castleton, Vermont 05735
(802) 468-1374
Has 4 nice towers and a inverted bouldering!


Green Mountain Rock Climbing Center
223 Woodstock Ave, Rutland, Vermont 05701
802 773 3343
Green Mountain Rock Climbing Center
Western Vermont's best indoor climbing experience. Just a short drive from Killington. 30 top-rope stations plus lead climbing & bouldering. Parties, group rates and personal training available upon request. Don't forget to ask about our full outdoor guiding service.

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